Cameroon: Anglophone crisis, secession, budget 2018, CAN 2019 ... the great expectations of President Pau Biya's end-of-year speech

The President of the Republic will address his compatriots tomorrow, Sunday, December 31, 2017, in his traditional end-of-year speech.

The speech of this year 2017 promises to be particularly scrutinized, because of the socio-political context of Cameroon at the moment. Indeed, Cameroon continues to face the threats of the terrorist sect Boko Haram in the northern part and particularly in the Far-North region, just as it was able to contain the abuses of armed bands from the Republic Central African Republic, Cameroon today faces a new front.

There are also threats arising from secessionist attacks in the Northwest and Southwest regions. Cameroon Tribune on newsstands Friday, December 29, 2017 reminds that everything started from the demands of teachers unions and lawyers of these two regions. Complaints to which the government, on the instructions of the President of the Republic Paul Biya has brought appropriate answers. Despite this, there has been an escalation that has resulted in the assassination of some elements of the defense and security forces.

Addressing his compatriots next Sunday, President Paul Biya could discuss a number of challenges that challenge our country. These are both socio-economic, with, as he indicated on June 20 in the circular concerning the preparation of the 2018 budget, the completion of the various projects of the three-year emergency plan for the acceleration of the growth he has prescribed to the government to improve the living conditions of Cameroonians.

Another expected result, says Cameroon Tribune , " the end of some major projects launched in some areas of the country and for which he wants to see the completion to offer more opportunities to his compatriots. But 2018 is also on the eve of the African Nations Cup of Nations (CAN 2019), a major sporting event for which the President of the Republic himself has pledged to ensure its holding to date, the during the reception offered to Cameroonian athletes on August 10, 2017 at the Palace of Unity .

Note that the intervention of the President of the Republic this year will take place on the eve of a particular year, an election year with the long-awaited presidential election and for which a dozen candidates have already voted.

Source : Cameroon-info

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