Cameroon - Unemployment, ENAM, computers, Patrice Nganang ...: Hot topics avoided by Paul Biya

The President of the Republic has avoided addressing certain topics of current interest in his end-of-year speech.

Paul Biya had accustomed Cameroonians in recent years to report employment figures. In his speech at the end of 2017, the Head of State remained silent on this subject, contenting himself with announcing that "The Government's continuous action, in favor of the densification of the school and university map, is Cameroon a great pool of quality human resources in Africa. At the same time, we will intensify our efforts to create jobs, particularly for our youth, " he said.

Yet in early December, the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training, Zacharie Perevet , on the occasion of the 7th edition of Carrefours des métiers and job market, had advanced the figure of nearly 400 000 jobs created in Cameroon in the last 12 months. Figures that have been hotly contested by economists.

Another subject "forgotten" by Paul Biya is the one relating to the 500,000 computers he promised to students. The first devices are already in Cameroon and distributed to the students of the universities of Yaoundé I and Yaoundé II. While distribution is just beginning, a controversy has arisen over the quality of computers and their cost. If the government boasts as the latest technology, experts question the quality of these devices acquired 300 000 FCFA / unit, according to Jacques Fame Ndongo , Minister of Higher Education.

Still on the subject of higher education, the President of the Republic did not address the new scandal that splashes the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM). In this prestigious which has formed most of the senior management and where will attend Juniors and Branda , the children of Paul Biya, from the next academic year, the name of the candidate Njdomo Millsaints Claude , found himself in the list admitted, while he died before the oral phase.

With the score of 14/20, he is even the Major of Cycle A of the Administration of Social Affairs section. Another scandal after the one related to the cancellation by the Minister of Public Service, results of the eligibility published by the director general of this school, Linus Toussaint Mendjana .

Paul Biya also evaded the subject of the arrest, imprisonment and expulsion of Patrice Nganang . At this level, the tenant of the Etoudi Palace has remained faithful to his line of conduct; that of not talking about individuals. However, after the expulsion of Nganang to the United States on December 27, Issa Tchiroma, the government spokesman said that "  The Head of State, magnanimous, decided to release the offender who threatened to undermine to his physical integrity " .

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