Concluded at the General Delegation of the National Security by the commissioner MEVA Vincent de Paul on Wednesday at 10am, the Reverend KUATE SOFO Ghislain went there on time, reports a police source to the drafting of CamerounWeb.
He spent all day there and also went to SEMIL in Yaoundé. For the time being, there is no information on the substance of this summons. But it should be noted that on February 9, the pastor under 38 gave a homily in Batoufam at the funeral of Professor NDOMGANG Samuel, President of the Academy of Sciences of Cameroon in the presence of several members of the government among which the Secretary General of the CPDM, Jean KUETE.
During his homily, the pastor spoke of the arbitrary arrests and poor prison conditions in Cameroon. On February 19, 2019, he was heard at the Koung-nkhi prefecture and then yesterday at the DGSN.
Below are some selected pieces of this homily:
"Instead of giving aid to alienate, it would be better to create conditions conducive to development for all, instead of arbitrary arrests."
"Vampires are not just those who eat human beings, but also social and societal vampires who eat the future of an entire people, the future of youth."
"A moment will come when children will refuse what some parents have done, saying, we will not eat the shame money our parents raised."
"Some play with the people because of the salt of the palace, some play with the tribal fiber because they want to position themselves near the salt of the palace.. There is no excellent tribe, in every tribe there is has the good and the bad. "
"In this country, some men consider themselves gods, you are men, you will never be God."