Anglophone Crisis: 11,000 CDC workers lost their jobs

Some 11,000 people have already lost their jobs at the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) because of the socio-political crisis in the English-speaking regions of North West and South West.

These lost jobs represent 50% of the workforce of this public company, which, with 22,000 employees, is the second largest employer in the country after the state.

The situation is "catastrophic", said the general management after a working session with staff representatives.

The company is running at less than 10% of its capacity, with a turnover of only 2.5 billion FCFA out of more than 60 billion FCFA of turnover before the crisis.

In addition, some agents have 12 months of salary arrears, while 60 employees have already been killed because of this social insecurity.

According to internal sources, it is currently 9.3 billion FCFA to pay arrears.

Because of the social crisis in the English-speaking regions, the CDC, whose main plantations are in the South-West region, is threatened by bankruptcy, the company that produces, among other things, rubber, banana and palm oil has not exported anything for a year.

Source: APA

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