Anglophone Crisis: 'I repeat, we are not saints' Brigadier General Agha provoked

It all started after africanews quoted that the army is there to protect the people in Bamenda

We are here to encourage the people and develop them, "says Brigadier General Agha.

Brigadier General Agha Robinson Ndong, commander of the 5th joint military region with the command post in Bamenda, is quoted by africanews as saying that the army is there to protect the people. He says they are not saints, but that they work to the best of their ability to defend the people.

Since then, soldiers have been fighting against armed men fighting for the independence of a country they call L'Ambazonie - a geographical allusion to the northwestern and southwestern regions of Cameroon.

In October 2016, Common Law lawyers went on strike to denounce what they saw as attempts by the government to stifle Common Law and replace it with civil law.

Teachers joined the strike on 21 November 2016 to protect the Anglo-Saxon education system, which they feared would be overtaken by the Francophone education system. The days of school boycott and civil disobedience have since turned into a full-fledged armed conflict.

Human rights groups have accused the defense forces of excesses in the fight against armed separatists, but Brigadier General Agha says they are doing their best.

"I repeat, so that we are not saints, we are not saints, but we do our best. If the population understands that. We are with them and we have come here not only to defend them, but also to encourage them to develop, "says Brigadier General Agha, allegations of threats, arbitrary arrests, torture, and incommunicado detentions. Intimidation and extrajudicial executions have since flooded the media space, human rights groups have blamed, and hospitals, villages, homes and public and private structures have been set on fire. But both the Cameroonian army and the separatists deny this assertion and accuse the other party. The English-speaking region is said to be marginalized by the French-speaking majority of the country. Hundreds of people have been killed and separatists have vowed to destabilize the regions.

Recently, Switzerland has declared that it will mediate the crisis in Cameroon at the request of both parties It is not known if the two sides meet in the talks.



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