Paul Biya covers up shame as he bagged triumphal return to Yaoundé

They came out many, on Friday, July 5, 2019, the Cameroonian people to reserve a warm welcome to the Head of State and the First Lady, Mrs. Chantal BIYA, back from a private stay in Europe. Activists of the CPDM, political parties of the presidential majority, like the UNDP, the FSNC, the UPC, ordinary citizens., mobilized strongly, from the international airport of Yaounde-Nsimalen to the Palace of Unit.

It was a question of showing once again to the face of the world, the immense capital of sympathy and esteem enjoyed by the President of the Republic, HE Paul BIYA, with his people. These populations came from different localities of the country to join those of the capital city. This patriotic impetus was also observed among the Cameroonian youth through its remarkable presence in the various crossroads of the city of Yaoundé and the esplanade of the Presidency of the Republic.

The return of the Head of State and his wife to Cameroon has given rise to a true communion of hearts and minds around the ideals of peace, unity, cohesion and living together that continues to preach Paul Biya. A lesson of patriotism administered to some lost compatriots of the diaspora who tarnished the image of Cameroon in recent days in Europe.

It was around 5 pm that the plane carrying the Presidential Couple from Geneva, Switzerland landed at Yaoundé-Nsimalen International Airport, under the ovations of an impressive crowd massed at the esplanade and to the rhythm of the songs and sounds of drums. The Head of State and his wife were greeted at the foot of the bridge by the President of the Senate, Marcel Niat Njifenji, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Cavaye Yeguie Djibril, the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Joseph Dion Ngute Minister of State, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh. Relaxed, the Presidential Couple marked a halt at the pavilion of honor where the President of the Republic met with the personalities who welcomed him, question no doubt to take the pulse of the country. A country well held despite the security challenges of the hour.

Before leaving the airport, the Head of State and his wife were offered a bath of crowds among the many proud people to see their President. The messages of signs and banners brandished by these populations expressed their indignation at the antipatriotic excesses of some Cameroonians from inside and outside, followers of violence as a mode of political expression. An undemocratic behavior rejected by the Cameroonians overwhelmingly. They preach respect for the republican institutions and the one who embodies them at the top of the state, HE Paul BIYA.



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