Ambazonia: Secessionists abduct Bishop George Nkuo in Kumbo

Bishop George Nkuo, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kumbo, was abducted by gunmen known to be faithful to the quest for the restoration of independence of a country called Ambazonia. learned that the priest had been detained by separatists on Saturday, 24 August 2019, at about 9.30 am on Kimar Hill in Sop, Jakiri Subdivision. Other sources suggest that he was abducted and taken to Wvem in Sop. He was reportedly intercepted while returning from Bamenda where he had attended a meeting.

The kidnapping that made its debut on social networks was confirmed by Ambazonia activist Mark Bareta, who said that "Bui Warriors" had committed the act.

"Today, at exactly 9:30 am, the bishop of Kumbo was led by the warriors at the request of the community to open the doors of the church he had closed following the incident that occurred. with the priest, "said Mark Bareta. recalls that the bishop of Kumbo had temporarily closed the parish of St. Paul in Kikaikom, Kumbo, in the division of Bui, after the kidnapping of the parish priest by alleged fighters of Ambazonia. It is said that the bishop took away the Blessed Sacrament.

Rev. Dieudonné Bomye was reportedly kidnapped while he was at his home on Tuesday, August 6, 2019 by suspected fighters from Ambazonia who held him captive until Saturday, August 10, when they released him. It is said that he was kidnapped after having urged his Christians, at the church, to send their children to school. The priest's assistant was also removed but released the same day.

Mark Bareta added: "Moreover, the Bui warriors had asked the bishop to bless those who protected the civilian population from the atrocities of the colonial administration."

Although activists claim that "the bishop was sent back to the parish after their brief stay at 11 am", parallel reports suggest that the bishop is still in custody.

On Thursday, August 15, 2019, Bishop Nkuo stated that depriving children of the right to go to school in the name of the struggle is a crime against humanity. He called on the warring parties in the ongoing conflict in the northwestern and southwestern regions of Cameroon to abandon their weapons to hatred and give peace a chance.

The priest spoke of the pulpit as he pronounced his sermon of the Assumption in Kumbo. He took the opportunity to preach the Gospel of the new school year, insisting that history will judge all those who are determined to block the resumption of classes as of September 2.

The sermon of the bishops of August 15, 2019

"I wish once more, in the name of God, in the name of the Church, in the name of Mama Maria, the consoler of the afflicted, to speak to you in the name of the voiceless and suffering people of Kumbo. During this crisis, Kumbo had his share of suffering. We have seen innocent people being brutally killed. Many people have lost their homes and belongings. Violence and all forms of torture and cruelty have become so commonplace that we begin to consider it normal to kill, torture, extort and demand ransom. Kumbo has been deserted and people from all ranks and professions have fled Kumbo and are seeking safety in Yaounde, Douala, Bafoussam, Banyo and other localities, "said his sermon for the start of school in" Big Day Maria".

Listen to the Bishop of Kumbo: "Brothers and sisters, we continue to hear terrible stories of people being kidnapped or arrested, tortured and asked to pay huge ransoms before their release. And the worst is our children deprived of school for three years. And there is no guarantee that they will be able to return to school soon. I am fully aware that anyone who talks about these things runs the risk of being kidnapped or even killed. I'm not sure even I'm talking now, I'm safe.

"Today, under the protection of Mary, our mother, and the day of her feast, in the name of the Catholic Church, in the name of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, I call all those who have lost the sense of the sacredness of life, all those who do not want to give a chance to young and poor and helpless children to return to school. I ask you all to drop your weapons of hatred, to stop all forms of views that dehumanize our people. Violence, as you know, only breeds violence. Hate, as you know, only breeds more hatred. Human life remains sacred and no one, however, has the right to take another person's life or to torture him.

"And brothers and sister, from this pulpit, I want to say it very clearly. To deny our children the right to go to school in the name of struggle is a crime against humanity, no matter how legitimate our cause may be. Our children can not go to school in Kumbo and those who have fled to other cities are ruthlessly exploited. Is it okay for us, the people of Kumbo, that our children leave Kumbo and pay 250,000 FCFA, as I know, as students in Yaoundé? Or 600,000 FCFA students in boarding school in Douala? When with the same amounts, can you pay for five to ten children in Kumbo? It's okay? And we accept it and we agree and allow it? I consider this exploitation. This exploitation must stop! And only we can do it.

"Yes, there are even people in this church, and I will not be surprised, who are determined that no school will be opened this year in Kumbo, and I dare say history will judge you having sacrificed the future of our children to the struggle, when we could have other options that we could use to put forward our point of view, do not forget what I said, quote me. "


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