Anglophone Crisis: Paul Biya regime Setting Up New Military Bases in Southern Cameroons

Recently in the Meme County, French Cameroun army soldiers erected a fortified position with a perimeter of large sand barriers and barbed wire in Kumba. The French Cameroun government understands that Southern Cameroonians are in disarray and are no longer contributing financially to the struggle so they are building military bases in all the major towns and cities in Southern Cameroons which were at the beginning of the revolution under the control of Ambazonia Restoration Forces.

Etoudi said on Monday that it was intensifying French Cameroun security apparatus in Southern Cameroons.  The Biya regime has vowed to secure all the major towns and villages in Ambazonia and push for school resumption in order to wade off the pressure coming from the international community.

Cameroon government military spokesperson, Colonel Badjeck reportedly refused to comment publicly on the new plan and also noted to our undercover reporter in Yaoundé that the French Cameroun regime will not discuss specific movements and locations of French Cameroun forces in Southern Cameroons.

Colonel Badjeck observed that French Cameroun military commanders have been delegated the authority and the responsibility to position soldiers and resources needed to accomplish the back to school mission.

Scores of French Cameroun army jeeps each with dozens of soldiers on watch are now parading the streets of all major Southern Cameroons settlements. Previously, French Cameroun troops only patrolled the front lines in both the Northern and Southern Zones.  But ever since the Sako Ikome financial scandal that rocked the Ambazonia Interim Government, more French Cameroun forces are now at new post all over Southern Cameroons.

The Senior Divisional Officer for Manyu was quoted as saying that “Before, government forces could hardly patrol the streets of Mamfe.  Now it is better with the disunity in the exiled so-called Ambazonia Interim Government” he said.

Cameroon Concord News Group chief correspondent in Bamenda, Sama Ernest hinted that more of such French Cameroun army posts are expected to be built along the highway linking Bamenda to Mamfe.

By Chi Prudence Asong with files from Sama Ernest
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