Ambazonia: Six Self-Defense Groups form new coalition

Six Southern Cameroons Self-Defense Groups have announced the formation of a unique restoration force to curb crimes and abductions in Ambazonia. The groups in the Southern Zone also say the new force is needed to coordinate self-defense action against the invading French Cameroun army soldiers.

Vice President Dabney Yerima who brokered the deal is expected to issue a statement on the outcome of very intensive and productive discussions that were held late yesterday. Cameroon Intelligence Report sources in Ground Zero revealed that the merger would operate as a coalition working within the framework of the Ambazonia Interim Government.

A spokesperson for Comrade Dabney Yerima told this reporter that the merger policy will also be implemented in the Northern Zone in the weeks ahead and the Vice President will call for a new strategy of popular resistance to French Cameroun occupation and colonization and opposition to policies that fuel the weakness of the Interim Government by perpetuating division.

In a recent outing in the Federal Republic of Germany, Vice President Yerima warned that Ambazonians faced liquidation if they could not achieve unity in the face of the intensified French Cameroun attacks. He also emphasized the need to uphold the Interim Government under the leadership of President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe as the legitimate and sole representative of the Ambazonian people.

The participating self-defense groups will remain independent but strive to be a model of Southern Cameroons unity that would get rid of the French Cameroun occupation, win the right to self-determination in a sovereign state with Buea as its capital.

By Asu Isong in London with files from Sama Ernest and Rita Akana

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