Anglophone Crisis: Cardinal Tumi Satisfied With President Biya’s Message To The Nation

Christian Wiyghan Tumi, Cardinal Priest of the Roman Catholic Church and Archbishop Emeritus of Douala has said he is satisfied with President Paul Biya’s September 10, 2019 message to the nation.

The lead convener of the Anglophone General Conference, AGC, said the convening of the Major National Dialogue to resolve the ongoing sociopolitical crisis in Cameroon’s North West and South West Regions is satisfying.

He said the Head of State would have said nothing if he did not talk of dialogue to end the crisis in the troubled Anglophone regions.

“I am quite satisfied with his speech,” said the 88-year-old prelate in a reaction on state television shortly after the president’s televised address to the nation.

On whether they will go to dialogue without the release of some persons detained in connection with the deepening crisis, Cardinal Tumi said he does not remember that anyone had asked for the release of detainees as a precondition for dialogue.

To the outspoken clergyman, those who are legally found guilty by the law should answer for their actions.

“I don’t know whether anybody gave that as a condition. If someone is legally proven to be a criminal, then he answers for it,” said the Cardinal.

In his 30-minute message to the nation, the Head of State, President Paul Biya hinted that in the course of the “major national dialogue” to resolve the crisis bedeviling Cameroon’s North West and South West Regions, the possibility of pardon may be considered, under certain conditions.

Hear Biya: “Admittedly, however, in the context of a dialogue, a peace process or national reconciliation, the possibility of pardon may be considered, under certain conditions.”

Cardinal Tumi said his expectations are positive and hopes that those who are around the Prime Minister will do everything possible to make sure that the upcoming Major National Dialogue takes place and is seriously prepared for.

His words: “We should all prepare for it. The group I am leading will send some of her findings to the Prime Minister already. We will see what powers the meeting will have as far as the implementation of the resolutions are concerned. I hope that what happened to the 1996 constitution will not happen this time. Let us hope so.”

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