Anglophone Crisis: First Court Hearing of Case Against Mother/Sister of Chris Anu Holds on Tuesday

According to lawyers defending the mother and sister of Ambazonia Interim government leader, Chris Anu, their clients will be tried on Tuesday, September 10 at the Mfoundi High Court in Yaoundé.

This comes after a habeas corpus demand was filed by the lawyers, for what they termed violation of the rights of the two women, held incommunicado at the National Gendarmerie headquarters in Yaoundé since they were arrested.

Barrister Ndong Christopher, one of the defending lawyers had termed the arrest, detention and prosecution of these two women, illegal.

80-year-old Grace Mafuantem Anu and sister/musician Beza Berist, were arrested on Friday August 2, at their Obobogo residence in Yaoundé III subdivision. They are currently been held at the Secretariat for State Defense ( SED).

Following a search conducted by security officials at their home in Yaoundé, over FCFA 1.6 M was collected from their home, which provoked their arrest.

Barrister Ndong told the Guardian Post in an interview that security officials said they searched the residence on basis of information that Anu's sister was keeping money which was some Ransome paid from kidnappings in the North West and South West regions.

Chris Anu holds an office of communication with Ambazonian interim government and he is the elder brother of the restoration fighter, General Field Marshall of Lebialem Division in the South West. While security officials were searching the residence of his sister and mother, the mother was reportedly on phone with both sons.

Following their arrests, the activist made videos threatening the government of Cameroon to release his relatives or face the consequences.

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