Ernest Obama suspension, the National Union of Journalists of Cameroon (SNJC) stands with Obama

Denis Nkwebo, President of the National Union of Journalists of Cameroon expressed his solidarity with Ernest Obama and these co-accused during the hard times they are going through.

This Thursday, September 05, 2019, Pierre Amougou Belinga , the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Group Anecdote has formalized through a memo, the suspension of Ernest Dieudonné Obama from his position as director of the private television channel Mink 4. As a result of this suspension, the star presenter of the Sunday program "Elite Club" is now relegated to the rank of mere employee. At least until the investigation into a gloomy embezzlement case heard by the CEO of this consortium of media companies delivers his findings.

But, before this fateful step, the SNJC was keen to support Ernest Obama during these hard times. This is Denis Nkwebo, the President of the National Union of Journalists of Cameroon who took care of this delicate attention. On Facebook, the latter expressed his solidarity with Ernest Obama and these co-accused in the aforementioned embezzlement case. "The National Union of Journalists of Cameroon has read the letter of suspension of the Journalist Ernest Obama of his duties as Director General of Vision 4. This news of the rest confirmed, is abundantly relayed by colleagues on social networks, and elsewhere and sometimes followed by taunts. The SNJC reminds journalists of the duty of confraternity which obliges us to more solidarity when a confrere is in difficulty . Did he declare. Before addressing as he has done for a few days, a scathing diatribe to the bosses of the press" Well, we must not lend the flank to the bosses who are mostly perfect slavers who are waiting for the slightest opportunity for us go to the gallows. The SNJC reminded media owners to respect the principle of confidentiality and asked them not to use every opportunity to humiliate and adjust slyly accounts accountable to their employees. Workers media, integrate our bosses are certainly important partners, but more of potential adversaries. The National Union of Journalists of Cameroon expresses its solidarity and its unwavering support to all the journalists in difficulty of Vision4. United we will overcome.That the solidarity of all is the guarantee of security for everyone. He concluded.

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