“Every Southern Cameroonian in Ground Zero advised to keep arms”

A senior adviser to the Ambazonia Vice President whose name we are withholding on Sunday indicated that the Southern Cameroons Interim Government would allow every Ambazonian citizen in Ground Zero to keep weapons in line with the policy of resistance against French Cameroun.

Members of the Southern Cameroons Interim Government began discussing a new policy which focuses on educating Ambazonian children while resisting French Cameroun occupation and aggression.

Cameroon Intelligence Report gathered that Vice President Dabney Yerima informed the Southern Cameroons exiled cabinet of his intention to reform the management of Ambazonia state finances and back to school for Southern Cameroons kids and weighed options for moving Ambazonian children to schools in neighboring Nigeria.

Rival Southern Cameroons groups involved in the Ambazonia struggle for independence long locked in disagreement over the makeup of the Ambazonia Interim Government are now supporting Vice President Dabney Yerima after weeks of backroom deals, as Southern Cameroons’s woes keeps mounting.

The Ambazonia Interim Government was formed under the guidance of President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe to combat French Cameroun. It has been the Southern Cameroons diaspora most successful investment ever since British Southern Cameroonians took up arms against French Cameroun some three years ago.

The Ambazonia Interim Government dominates the political and military landscape of Southern Cameroons and possesses tens of thousands of untrained fighters but it’s extremely lacking in sophisticated armaments.

By Chi Prudence Asong

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