Presidential Speech: Words aside, Biya holds to Sisiku Ayuk Tabe

The head of state, President Paul Biya, hinted that during the "grand national dialogue" aimed at resolving the crisis affecting the regions of north-west and south-west Cameroon, the possibility of a grace can be considered, under certain conditions.

This message was part of a 30 minute message to the nation aired on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 on radio, television and social media platforms.

Listen to Biya: "Certainly, however, in the context of a dialogue, a peace process or national reconciliation, the possibility of forgiveness can be considered, under certain conditions.

"It is also true that, in accordance with our Constitution, the Head of State is entitled to exercise the right of mercy.

"It is on the strength of this authority that I made an offer of peace to the members of the armed groups during my recent swearing-in ceremony.

"I wish to solemnly reiterate this offer today. Those who voluntarily lay down their arms and put themselves at the disposal of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) centers have nothing to fear. Members of their armed group already present can testify to it.Conversely, those who persist in committing criminal acts and breaking the laws of the Republic will have to face our defense and security forces and face the full force of these same laws.

The same is true for hate and violence promoters who, comfortably settled in foreign countries with impunity, continue to incite murder and destruction. Tell them that sooner or later they will face justice.

"I call on the countries hosting these extremists to take action against these criminals if they really care about the situation of the people in the North West and South West regions.

"Most of them no longer have Cameroonian nationality, but spend all their time raising funds to carry out terrorist acts in Cameroon, to cause arson, kidnappings and murders, and to launch appeals to to prevent children from going to school and fellow citizens their affairs peacefully. "

Mancho Bibixy Tse, Penn Terence, Julius Ayuk Tabe, Cornelius Kwanga, Dr. Egbe Orock, Lawyer Eyambe Ebai, Dr. Fidelis Nde Che, Dr. Kimeng Henry, Dr. Nfor Ngala Nfor, Professor Augustine Awasum, Lawyer Shufai Blaise and Tassang Wilfred as well as other Anglophones tried against the Cameroonian people for accusations of secession, terrorism, hostility against the Cameroonian state, revolution and non-possession of their identity cards, among other charges, could benefit from a rehabilitation if the dialogue bore fruit.

Call for respect for the rule of law

"The propaganda of the secessionists has tried to present the recent judicial decisions taken against a number of our compatriots in the context of this crisis as an obstacle to the dialogue envisaged.

"This is not the case, and I would like to take this opportunity to stress that respect for the rule of law and the fight against impunity are pillars of the consolidation of the rule of law that we all aspire to. Violating the rule of law and granting impunity to some citizens opens the door to anarchy.

"It is therefore crucial at this stage to dispel rumors that one can loot, rape, burn, kidnap, kill, to kill, in the hope that a possible dialogue will erase all these crimes and ensure impunity for their perpetrators.

"As the experience of many countries around the world shows, such a way of thinking will only encourage the perpetuation of violence in regions in crisis and even in regions without crisis.

"We should all work for a fruitful dialogue" The

entire national community expects a great deal from the dialogue I have just announced and hopes that this will be an opportunity for our brothers and sisters in the North West and South West to close this chapter. painful, to forget their suffering and to return to the country. to normal life.

He also hopes that our country will continue resolutely on the path of progress, through fruitful discussions on how to create the conditions for the optimal exploitation of natural resources and the enormous human potential of our country. We must all work for a fruitful dialogue.

"Over the years, we have used our linguistic and cultural diversity, the talent of our sons and daughters, and our commendable efforts and sacrifices to build a strong country and a strong nation. Together, we have faced many challenges and won countless victories. We have proved that, united, there is no difficulty to overcome or any obstacle to overcome. We proved it yesterday. We will prove it again today and tomorrow. The future of our compatriots in the North West and South West regions lies in our Republic. "


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