Vision 4: Ernest Obama suspense for embezzlement by Amougou Belinga

For two days the former interim director at the regional vision4 coastal director Désiré Batamkem is detained at the military security in Douala.

He is accused of being an accomplice of a fictitious bank account housed in the micro finance Cécile on behalf of Vision4.

After several hours, the desired gentleman will confess. And will denounce his accomplices who are in the general direction in Yaoundé among the names mention it is Mr Djou Nkodo Linus previously deputy director of exploitation a vision 4 and the famous journalist Ernest Obama who had for role to divert the all the advertising fees from Douala. According to a recording that CEO Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga had all his staff listen to yesterday at a meeting at the ISAM conference room in Yaounde.

Yesterday at the opening of the newspaper the people mentioned above are relieved of their duties.

So much so that Mr Obama gets a suspension, Which, it must be noted here was not read like for others like Francis Bonga who was suspended on June 23 read the same evening in the newspaper of 20h.

Even inactive viewers noticed Francis Bonga's absence on June 26, 27 and 28 of the most controversial TV show, TOUR D'HORIZON.

Despite the suspension of the super journalist who tells who wants to wait for him to hold Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga he is on the air this Wednesday 04sept.

The question we are asking here is what does the CEO Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga have in mind? Despite several implications of theft and misappropriation within the group the anecdote Ernest Obama continues taunt his group employees the anecdote.

According to our sources the group's CEO anecdote would be very angry at his close associates announcing a large movement within the group where several heads will jump.

Meanwhile the former Acting regional director of the littoral in Douala desired Batamkem and Mr Djou Nkodo Linus are in police custody in Yaounde pending to be presented to the public prosecutor.

Pay attention to everyone who screams on every rooftop that they love Biya. At 90% they are primarily big bandits.



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