National Dialogue: The Paul Biya challenges to Cameroonians

The President of the Republic Paul Biya attentively follows the national mass that takes place on the side of the Palais des Congrès in Yaoundé.  He intends to enforce the resolution that will be restored to the order of peace and prosperity.

It is known, since Monday, September 30, 2019, the sounds and daughters of Cameroon are gathered at the Palais des Congrès in Yaounde under the aegis of Prime Minister Head of Government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute.  All of them exclude each other's eyes and issues that concern them, especially the Anglophone crisis to find lasting solutions.

The intervention of former combatants of armed groups

The ex-combatants are at the beginning of the opening of the grand dialogue to the Cameroonian nation, regretting having taken up arms against their own country.  In their intervention, former combatants also cited all the reasons that led them to rebel against the Nation.  From these motives, we note the distribution of places between Anglophones and Francophones in the grandes écoles, the lack of employment for youth, the discrimination in the organization of the administration among others.

Paul Biya will fulfill his promise
In fact, it is plausible that Paul Biya is a unique Head of State because he does what he says and says what he does.  The proof, the promise of the great national dialogue was held.  The main objective is to find effective and efficient responses for a final exit from the crisis in North West and South West.

As for the resolutions, Paul Biya pledges to start the implementation of the social and political crisis.
Important decisions are therefore in sight.  The President of the Republic is restoring social justice where it was lost, and so on.

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