As a Prophet, Patrice Nganang says on TV5 Monde that the regime of Paul Biya will soon fall

In a recent media outing, Professor Patrice Nganang states bluntly that the days of Paul Biya's 30-year Regime are numbered.

Yesterday Saturday, December 30th, 2017, during an interview with our colleagues of the television channel TV5 Monde, Patrice Nganang returned on the conditions of his arrest on Wednesday December 6th at the international airport of Douala while he was preparing to board a plane after a stay of about a month in his home country.

"I was arrested in Douala, put in a bus with 5 police guards. I was handcuffed and brought back to Yaounde, without anyone telling me why I was arrested and moreover without telling me where I was going. He called me Ambazonian, Ambazonian, suddenly I realized that I was arrested for my support for the Anglophone cause "says the famous writer who was released and expelled from Cameroon on Wednesday, December 27, 2017 after two weeks of detention on remand at Kondengui Central Prison.

The day after his arrival in his hometown of New York in the United States, Patrice Nganang published on the web a text in which he said that his exile abroad will not last. In yesterday's televised interview, he says he believes in his imminent return to Cameroon because, he says, the Biya regime in power for 35 years will soon fall.

The teacher of literature at New York University will soon find his students after the end of the year celebrations he almost celebrated at Kondengui prison in Yaounde.

After a total of three weeks of official deprivation of liberty on charges of death threats against the President of the Republic, forgery and use of forgery and illegal immigration, Patrice Nganang became a cumbersome "package", was released earlier than expected.

He is now free from his movements abroad. The academic will soon find his students after the end of year celebrations he will celebrate with his family.

Source : Cameroon-Info
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