Cameroon - Anglophone Crisis: Defense Minister Announces Mamfe on December 31, 2017

According to sources at the Ministry of Defense, the head of this ministerial department, Joseph Beti Assomo, will lead a large delegation as of December 31, 2017 in Mamfe in the department of Manyu, Southwest region.

" Except last-minute changes, the Minister of Defense, the Governor of South-West and several Generals including René Claude Meka will be in Mamfe this Sunday, December 31,  " said the source.

The presence of Joseph Beti Assomo Mamfe will certainly "cheer  up the troops  " who for some months face secessionist armed groups in the Southwest and especially in the Manyu. This visit reinforces the idea that Mamfe is the new theater of war after the Far North.

If this visit is made, she will be the second of its kind the Minister of Defense at the front at the New Year party. From December 31, 2015 to January 1, 2016, the Joseph Beti Assomo had spent New Year's Day with army troops deployed at Kidji-Matari in Mayo Sava, on the border with Nigeria.

Source : Cameroon-Info

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