Cameroon: After three years in detention in Yaoundé's main prison, a CPDM mayor is being accused of colluding with Boko Haram

Mayor Ramat Moussa is free. Against all odds, the Yaounde Military Court ordered his release this Thursday, December 28, 2017.

"Fotokol's former mayor, Ramat Moussa, who was arrested in September 2014 for colluding with Boko Haram and detained in Yaounde's main prison, was released this morning by the Yaounde Military Court for the benefit of the doubt. In total, he will have spent 03 years and 03 months behind bars and will have spent 24 times at the helm, "explains Brother Guibai Gatama.

This verdict of the Military Court of Yaounde, gives reason to Abdoulaye Harissou, the former notary of Marafa Hamidou Yaya who recently denounced settling of accounts in the incarceration of certain personalities in Cameroon.

Speaking specifically of Mayor Ramat Moussa, Mr. Abdoulaye Harissou said that Fotokol's municipal magistrate was a victim of his popularity and leadership battles within the CPDM, the ruling political party. "Apart from the real Boko haram who are in prison, there is also a concentration of people accused of political offenses. I was in prison with the Mayor of Fotokol in the Far North Region. He was also the president of the CPDM section. He is a gentleman who is popular too. He was indicted for complicity in insurrection but, it seems that, and everyone says it is a political settlement between the people of the CPDM themselves "had affirmed Maitre Harissou in an interview with our colleagues of the newspaper Le Monde , two weeks ago.

In the process, the friend of the minister Marafa Hamidou Yaya launched an appeal to the Head of State Paul Biya for a fair justice for all. "I would like to say to President Paul Biya that every Cameroonian has the right to justice, that this kind of useless trial tarnishes the image of the country and that too many people take advantage of justice to settle their accounts"

Source : Cameroon-Info
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