Cameroon - Albert Dzongagng (Opponent-former CPDM activist) to Paul Biya: "For the honor and fame of the BIYA family, do not let your children be part of this disgraced promotion of ENAM"

The former activist of Paul Biya's party has just sent him a public letter as a sign of New Year's greetings. Albert Dzongang vitriol the policy led by the current Head of State and offers him solutions.

At the dawn of the new year, I have the great pleasure of coming to wish you a happy new year 2018. So that this year is really good and happy for you and Cameroon, which you are in charge of driving to its full bloom, I venture to suggest a few courses of action.

It is understood that in the past while I was still one of your collaborators, none of my advice had found favor with you. I remember some of them:

During your first visit to the West, after we, the son of the Western RDPC, we sweated to gather the people, I suggested that after the meeting you would have lunch in communion with the people of Bafoussam. You chose instead to go to Bandjoun with your ministers at Mr. Victor FOTSO. As a result, the people took this as a contempt and expressed it forcefully during the 1992 presidential election.

In 1994, on the eve of the presidential election in France, I suggested to you, in the absence of support for Jacques Chirac , to be neutral. On the advice of the late Charles Pasqua who came to rot our country with the PMUC, you took up the cause for Mr. Edouard Baladur . You know the consequences of the election of Mr. CHIRAC on our country and the great price we paid to try to make up for this mistake.

In 1996, when the constitution of Cameroon was still being drafted, I suggested that you do not let the words "indigenous, non-indigenous, minority, without majority" pass . You know all the harm that their only evocation has made on social cohesion and living together in certain corners of the country. In 2016, during the so-called Anglophone crisis, I suggested to you to avoid politicizing the problem, and especially to keep away from those you co-opted as elites in this area.

The CPDM, your party, went to see what they saw in Buea, while your elites including the prime minister were stalled in Bamenda. The crisis is bogged down and the wars with you are rubbing their hands.
Closer to home, when Mr. NGANANG was dreamy and put your intelligence and justice services in motion, I suggested you do not follow a madman running with your clothes.

You arrested him for, among other things, illegal immigration, possession of two passports. The networks have threatened to publish the foreign identity documents of those around you; this component was quickly abandoned.

We are witnessing on December 27th, 2017, a humiliation of our justice, which nightly denies a dismissal, to liberate illico presto, all shame drunk, Mr. NGANANG, also humiliating our intellectuals of services, besides professors, who called for his to death. He tells himself that he will be expelled to the United States, his country, after the Cameroonian passport is withdrawn. What about the cases of foreigners like him who swarm with the government? are you going to evict them too?

After these brief reminders, I will again, with your indulgence, make new suggestions:

For the honor and fame of the BIYA family , do not let your children be part of this disgraced promotion of ENAM, which will carry all the time this blemish. And as you are also the father of other Cameroonians thus laid bare, cancel the contest this year. This would grow in the eyes of your fellow citizens who are dumbfounded and abused.

The other pebble in the shoe of our governance is this hawk operation which has turned out to be a settlement operation, with a research head. The people, tired of waiting for at least a small part of the sums allegedly diverted, to be recovered, arrived with the international community at the conclusion that the prisoners are political prisoners.

He is comforted by this false document made by "the former Minister of Justice, who attributed accounts to foreigners credited several billion to these detainees" . Hundreds of millions of francs have been taken out of the coffers to be supposed to pay for this "good work of an expert" . Neither the expert nor the minister in question are worried about this open hijacking, this false and false use.

Even the most foolish, like Yves Michel FOTSO who paid for the crime he does not recognize, has not been released.
Meanwhile, proven cases of embezzlement of public funds are not mentioned. The Chinese MA6O , the colonel with his millions arrested in Paris, the heritage of the State sold in Douala and elsewhere, not to mention business like the Eséka train.

Your Excellency, no one understands why Messrs. ONDODONG , Abah Abah , Vamulke , Mendo Ze , Belinga , Atangana Mebara , Metouck , Marafa , Nguini Effa, Olanguena , Inoni , Fondjidam , Siyam Siewe , Fotso, to name but a few, remain still in prison. If it is a question of correcting them, they have largely paid, if it is a question of recovering the money "stolen" , it is established that they have nothing, since all the means of the State put for this purpose have found nothing. Either they have not stolen the sums attributed to them, or the State is not interested in the recovery of these sums.

Allow Excellency, let them find their families for the new year. It will be justice and it will grow you. The problem of the hour is secession in the Northwest and Southwest. Dare the dialogue, reassure the people of this area and the little enemy will be defeated.

With regard to the 500,000 laptops that have not yet delivered, all the secrecy and the outline of this operation, the context and the circumstances would have ordered that the distribution began in the English-speaking area. This is to mark the unitary character of our country. It's not too late to change the order of passage.

Here, Excellency, are the few ideas that I submit to your wise appreciation, far from the dangerous wolves that are around you and wish only your failure, for, they think, to be reborn on your ashes.

Happy New Year to the President. Albert DZONGANG  Your former Collaborator

Source :  Cameroon-Info
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