Cameroon - Anglophone Crisis: According to General Melingui Nouma, Ambazonia's forces are led by white mercenaries and some deserters from the Cameroonian army

The commander of the 21st Motorized Infantry Brigade (21st BRIM) also declares that several Cameroonian soldiers have deserted the army to join English-speaking secessionists.

In a TV5 Monde report on the so-called Anglophone crisis, Brigadier General Donatien Melingui Nouma, Commander of the 21st Motorized Infantry Brigade (21st BRIM) and also Commander-in-Chief of the War Front Military Region against the English-speaking separatists declares that the troops of Ambazonia are formed by white mercenaries and some deserters of the Cameroonian army.

"We know that they are trained by foreigners including some mercenaries and there are also some Cameroonians, some deserters from our army who joined them and who train these people", namely the Cameroonian independence fighters Anglophone.

Brigadier General Melingui Nouma also notes that this war against the English-speaking "is likely to turn into a completely asymmetrical conflict, that is to say that we face, not a regular army, but hordes Who appear and disappear, a bit like the Boko Haram terrorists that this army has been unable to defeat in the far north since May 2014 that it has installed a war front along the Nigerian border.

This report produced in the South-West region, shows deserted villages of their inhabitants, and supposed Ambazonians filmed by drones, practicing training.

Source : Cameroon-Info

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