Cameroon - Attack of 25 December in the Southwest: A slight casualty on the side of the defense forces, according to the Government

In a press release made public on Thursday, December 28, 2017, the Minister of Communication, Issa Tchiroma Bakary recounts the circumstances of the attack on a gendarmerie station in the Ndian department on Christmas day.

The Minister of Communication informs national and international public opinion that units of the National Gendarmerie located along the western border of the North West and South West regions have for some time been the targets of terrorist attacks by the government. part of armed bands claiming secessionist movements that rage in these two regions.

Thus, we learn in the statement relayed by Cameroon Tribune on Friday, December 29, 2017, in the day of Monday, December 25, 2017 around 9 am, the gendarmerie brigade of the district of Toko located about 60 km from Mundemba in Ndian Department, Southwest Region, was stormed by about 30 assailants armed with firearms.

" The attackers, who chanted irredentist slogans in their offensive, were met with fierce resistance from three NCOs stationed on the site, whose strong response successfully repelled the criminal assault. Alerted to these attacks, the commander of the Mundemba Gendarmerie Company, accompanied by a reinforcing patrol, immediately went to the scene, where he undertook to carry out a systematic search operation, at the end of which four bodies without life of the attackers, two firearms and six 12-caliber cartridges were found, "Issa Tchiroma said.

In terms of balance sheet, " there is a slight casualty on the side of the defense forces, the chief of police Chief Pouma Elvis, to whom, on behalf of the government, we wish a speedy recovery, " the statement said. Also on behalf of the government, the Minister of Communication brings " the whole nation's unwavering support to our defense and security forces, for their commitment, bravery and professionalism in the fight they are waging against these enemies of the Republic ".

Source : Cameroon-info
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