Cameroon - Eastern Region: Nine people die buried in abandoned hole by Chinese mining company

The tragedy took place on December 30 at about two o'clock in the morning on a site operated by the Chinese company Lu and Lang, based in Ngoe Ngoe village.

The drama took place Saturday, December 30, 2017 around 2 am. According to reports to the editor, nine people were killed in the pit of an open and unrevealed mining site of the Chinese mining company LU and Lang based in Ngoe Ngoe village, in the Eastern Region. . According to some testimonies, the victims, whose ages vary between 18 and 42 years, were surprised by a landslide while they were trying to make the "Ngueré", a practice which consists for residents to go down in holes left open by mining operators to collect the remains of gravel to extract gold.

Returned to the scene of this unfortunate accident on December 31, the regional delegate of Mines could not meet any of the leaders of this Chinese company. But according to the inhabitants of Ngoe Ngoe, the Chinese took advantage of the night of the drama to evacuate some of their equipment.

For this accident that took the lives of nine Cameroonians, "at least there should be lawsuits for manslaughter against this company. Beyond the local government that must ensure public order, the public prosecutor must seize this case, "says Laurence Wete Soh, a lawyer at FODER. It should be noted that this drama comes two days after a tripartite meeting organized between the sub-prefect of Ngoura, the company Lu and Lang and the communities, but that was not held because the company did not honor the RDV, under the pretext of not understanding French. Nevertheless, the regional delegate before leaving reiterated that the company will have to take all measures to fully rehabilitated the site.

As a reminder, it was in the site of the same Chinese company (Lu and Lang) that bodies of four artisanal miners from the village Ngoengoe, were found buried about two months ago. With these other 9 dead, the count of the number of people killed in the mine holes and counted by the association Forest and Rural Development (FODER), rises to 43 people in the space of 10 months. It is also important to underline that during the period from 2012 to 2014, at least 250 mine sites were opened but are not rehabilitated by the 65 companies of the semi-mechanized mine in the region of Eastern Cameroon.

Source : Cameroon-Info
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