Cameroon - English Speaking Crisis / Human Rights / Dr. Chemuta Divine: "The crisis has murdered our lives"

For the president of the National Commission for Human Rights and Freedoms, many Cameroonians are stuck between English-speaking secessionists and law enforcement.

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The National Commission for Human Rights and Freedoms (CNDHL) recommends a dialogue for effective decentralization, with the aim of putting an end to the socio-political crisis still raging in the English-speaking regions. She presented to the general public her reports for the 2016 financial year on December 29, 2017. Among the reports, there is the report on the state of human rights in Cameroon.

The daily Le Jour, January 3, 2018 edition, which also followed this presentation, reports that Dr. Chemuta Divine Banda, president of the CNDHL, states that " thousands of Cameroonians are stuck between secessionists and the police ". He says they suffer from " the loss of their property and lives ." The NCHRF is also concerned about the increase in violence in the English-speaking regions. This justifies its president's call for a sociopolitical dialogue that will take into account decentralization at the grassroots level.

In general, NCHRF suggests that Cameroon has experienced various violations of human rights. Which means that these violations are not registered only in the context of the Anglophone crisis. " In its classification, human rights violations remain dominated by Cameroonians' difficulty in accessing land, arbitrary arrests, torture, and lack of better working conditions ," reports Le Jour.

However, it notes that several arbitrary arrests and detentions arose out of the Anglophone crisis. And these arrests and detentions constitute violations of the right to life and to physical and moral integrity.

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