Famine has come to Cameroon through the barrel of a gun

Cameroon Intelligence Report

According to a joint report by the World Food Program (WFP) and Cameroon’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Minader), nearly 2.5 million people are at risk of famine in the northern regions of Cameroon. The findings revealed that the 2,500,000 people who are food insecure are predominantly in the Adamawa, North, Far North and the East region regions.

The survey was conducted in some 82 villages in the 4 regions and it did include 1065 households. The same study pointed out that in 2016, 1 household out of 5 was food insecure (24% against 15% in 2015), of which 3% in a severe way.

The Biya Francophone regime has reportedly increased defense spending waging a senseless war in Anglophone Cameroon.  The number of people facing dangerous levels of hunger is expected to increase by one million between January and March this year – if the one year long conflict in Southern Cameroons escalates as expected.

Cameroon is moving slowly but surely from crisis to catastrophe. The international community is doing nothing to put real pressure on the Biya regime to end the killings of innocent Southern Cameroons citizens. So far the international community’s ‘softly-softly’ approach to the situation in Ambazonia has failed.

By Fru James ,

Via Cameroon IntelligenceReport.Com
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