English crisis: Akera Muna to Paul Biya: "Is the only answer to dissent is repression? "

The presidential candidate this year is opposed to the exclusion of secessionists from possible dialogue.

Mr. Akéré Muna did not like the part of Paul Biya's end-of-year speech in which the Cameroonian head of state signifies his intention not to dialogue with those who took up arms against the Republic. To this the guest of the program "The great interview" on Tuesday 9 January 2017 on Canal 2 international answers: "Either we want to solve a problem, or we do not want to solve it. If we want to solve it with the prerequisites, we point to each other. " The lawyer believes that reconciliation is needed and cites as an example the amnesty of the putschists of 1984 for which he rewrote with Bernard Muna the text sent by the Prime Minister of the time. He nuances his point by explaining that this does not mean that because of the claims some have the right to kill others.

To make clear his opposition to excluding certain actors from the crisis, Akéré Muna asks the following question: "  Is the only answer to dissent being repression? "Evoking this possible dialogue, the guest of the excellent Jean-Bruno Tagne declares that" the framework of the dialogue must reassure ".  He added that it would not be inappropriate to involve non-Cameroonian specialists in the field to help Cameroon set up this framework. One of the names he proposes to mediate is former minister David Abouem in Tchoyi.

He wants "people in the regime" or those in political parties not to be named mediators. On the other hand he would like to see all the actors of the crisis around the table. "In this perspective, we engage all parties. We talk with everyone. Even dissidents. You have to talk to them! " , Hammers the eminent lawyer for whom the dialogue is a political way which makes it possible to revive" the new republic "

Watch the entire Akéré Muna interview here


Source : CIN

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