Bamileke hunting: meet the 10 deputies who signed the declaration

Following the humiliation suffered by the President of the Republic in Geneva during his last brief private stay, deputies from the South, his native region, stepped up to the plate, making a statement both in support of Mr. Biya, but also of threat against the Cameroonians of the diaspora opposed to the regime of their champion.

"Disconnect quickly from your" brothers "who have attacked our brother and his wife, otherwise we will let you know that no one has the monopoly of violence. The message is subliminal. But not as mysterious as it looks. The exit of the family deputies of the Cameroonian president is disturbing of tribalism and big mournful prospects. As usual, the tribal affinity has taken over the reason and the sense of responsibility that must be that of the elect of the people. Moreover, they are called legislators. Speaking to the divinatory art in the four walls of their parliamentary cabinets, members were able to identify the region of origin of the opponents of the diaspora who had the nerve to ask the "president of all Cameroonians" to return to Cameroon deal with Cameroon's affairs that seem more pressing than anything. A service rendered to Cameroonians who have, according to some media, massively greeted their leader, proof that they were happy to see him rather in the country than elsewhere.

It is for this service rendered to Cameroon by the diaspora and all this under the blows of the well-trained members of the Prince's close guard, that 10 deputies from the South threaten to drag Cameroon into a situation such as going to the English speaking region will only be a fiction of civil war.

Indeed, as much the declaration signed deputies RDPC South Biya protects all the virtues, as it is a clear and precise threat, not only against all Cameroonians from the inside who have sympathy for the Anti-Sardinards Brigade but also for the nationals of the West, the Bamileke, considered as an ethnic group who swore the loss of the regime.

Thus, the 10 deputies signatories of the statement warn local anti-sardinards against retaliation that they would not delay to trigger "No one has the monopoly of the violence both on the international place inside our borders. And put in residence, the air man, all the nationals of the West to denounce the act of Geneva "Exhort the nationals of the region whose main agitators claim to dissociate themselves more of these as they have of elsewhere started to do so that hate does not spread throughout the country and gangrene "(sic).

Messages whose subliminal character comes in terms of ultimatums of obvious gravity, fearing a surge of violence at the instigation of eminent pro-Biya political figures of the South, as was often the case the day after some electoral deadlines against Western nationals in the South region.

This is the place to recall that in the more or less recent past, generally after elections after which the affinity votes of Bamoun and Bamileke had prevented the CPDM elites of the South to offer the full voice (100% ) to Paul Biya, Bulus thugs were seen forming small groups of vandals and killers, going from house to house to hunt down the "alien invaders of the West" living in Ebolowa, Sangmelima, Ambam, Kye-Ossi, molesting them, vandalize their homes, expel them from the cities and confiscate their property, all this without the authorities lifting a finger, if yes to sometimes announce investigations that remain without a future.

The current sciopolitico-cultural cleavages are more pronounced than in the past, especially with the order of battle of the Bamileke who are starting to look up, believing that they have suffered enough from the vexations of their compatriots claiming sociological affinities with their home. State, the fear is great that the threat of deputies from the South is a prelude to the worst.

God preserves the Cameroon of the mobilization organized by a regime that tries to convince the Cameroonians that Cameroon must be crumbled and returned to the small independent kingdoms that existed before the German colonization, or let it do the Republic his private property, where coexist wherever possible, Cameroonian homeowners (his own - of course from all regions-) and squatters (the others - belonging to the majority of the left behind the country).

Below, the statement of the deputies CPDM South



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