Conviction of Biya's bodyguards: Messanga Nyamding explains further

According to the law and political science teacher, the six security members of President Paul Biya were sentenced because they do not enjoy immunity.

In an interview with our colleague Mutations, Pascal Charlemagne Messanga Nyamding in the light of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations between States, analyzes the condemnation of the six members of the security of the Head of State Paul Biya by the Swiss justice.

The law and political science teacher says that in terms of law, the analysis must be based around the legal, operational, space and time frame. "This is the spatial dimension of the law. And above all, in matters of security, Heads of State enjoy immunities under international law wherever they are. Exception is made by the lifting of immunity recognized by the States Parties to the Vienna Convention.Regarding heads of state, this means that when the Cpi (International Criminal Court, Ndlr) launches an arrest warrant, it is clearly established that the host state has the obligation to deliver to this international jurisdiction " he says.



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