Cameroon - Security: Minister of Defense reveals that 8310 young people have been recruited into the army in 2019

There are 520 non-commissioned gendarmerie students, general service option; 30 non-commissioned Gendarmerie students, military health option; 2400 students gendarmes; 400 NCOs of the armed forces, general service option; 40 non-commissioned army students, military health option; 4,720 General Service and 200 Musicians. That is a total of 8,310 young people enlisted in the army in 2019.

The distribution of the admitted in the various centers of instruction, affirmed Joseph Beti Assomo, was published and posted since August 12 last. They were summoned to their respective training centers for the start of training on August 26th. This measure, recalled the minister delegate to the presidency in charge of defense, is part of the ongoing fight against youth unemployment.

Joseph Beti Assomo also said that the selection of candidates was rigorous taking into account the intellectual performance, physical and medical postulants. When analyzed, this massive recruitment of young people into the army contributes to the rejuvenation of the army.

But it comes especially in a context marked by security challenges that require troops on several fronts: the war against the terrorist sect Boko Haram in the north, the response against the incursions of armed bands in the East and the war against the secessionists in the two English-speaking regions (North-West and South-West). Cameroon, which has sworn not to consent to any inch of its territory, is therefore betting on these young recruits to repel its enemies. It is about the security and sovereignty of our country.

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