Life imprisonment for Ayuk Tabe and Co: what's likely to happen

The separatist leaders took a life sentence at the Yaounde Military Court. With a fine of 250 billion CFA. The Network of Human Rights Defenders in Central Africa (REDHAC) denounces a scandalous trial during a hot briefing at its headquarters in Douala.

A decision to the orders 

The ears were suspended at the Yaounde military court, during the trial of separatist leaders in the context of the Anglophone crisis. In the early morning of August 21, 2019, the verdict fell: dry and hard. Life sentence of ten separatist leaders fined 250 billion CFA.

Redhac stepped up to denounce "a scandalous trial in flagrant violation of all the rules and judicial procedures, in total disregard of the guidelines and principles on the right to a fair trial and legal aid in Africa under the terms of the Charter African Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) of which Cameroon is a signatory member "A proof that the judiciary is subordinated to the executive and that this decision comes from above. And Redhac is convinced of the "non-separation of executive, legislative and judicial powers".

For the decay of NOSO

For the organization of defense of human rights, it is neither more nor less than a deliberate and manifest attempt of the Yaoundé regime to create the total decay of the situation in the North West and South West regions.

Which occurs in a context yet marked by a campaign back to school in this part in crisis baptized Back2School initiated must be remembered by the sieurs AYUK SISIKU TABE AND MANCHO BIBIXY. But also the Tweet of the President of the Republic who advocated forgiveness and the establishment of the dialogue that led to the beginning of an alleged dialogue in Geneva, Switzerland to find ways and means of a return to peace.

Something must be done

To achieve this, Redhac calls on the State of Cameroon to submit to an independent and international fact-finding mission regarding serious allegations of violations and abuses of human rights in the North West and South West. as in the extreme north of Cameroon.

It also urges the establishment of a framework conducive to an immediate cease-fire to create the conditions for the establishment of the Truth Commission Justice and Reconciliation for a Cameroon of security for all, fair justice, lasting peace, and sustainable development.



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