Sentenced of Ayuk Tabe and Co.: The Honorable Joshua Osih reacts, responds to Minister Gregory Owona

"It is known to all, except for potentially irrational minds, that the real cause of the stagnation of this crisis is your" creator "Mr. Paul Biya. And it is to him alone that you should have addressed yourself. Not to anyone else »

When the Yaoundé military court pronounced in the early hours of the morning of Tuesday, August 20, 2019, the sentence to life imprisonment, against separatist leaders, the Honorable Joshua Osih is one of the personalities who reacted immediately to rebel against this verdict falls at the wrong time. "This condemnation is a political fault of Yaounde in the current context of crisis that requires an inclusive national dialogue in the shortest possible time," said the elected Sdf.

Shocked by this declaration, the Minister Gregory Owona, senior executive of the CPPR, the party in power, has accused, among others, the National Vice President of the Social Democratic front to want to ignite a social situation already very tense. This criticism of Gregory Owona, sparked a replica vitriol of the Honorable Joshua Oshi. "It is known to all, except for potentially irrational minds, that the real cause of the stagnation of this crisis is your" creator "Mr. Paul Biya. And it is to him alone that you should have addressed yourself. Not to anyone else.

 Below, the entirety of the new text published this Monday, August 26, 2019 by the party leader of the balance.

To Mr. Grégoire OWONA.

I read your intervention published in social networks, regarding my reaction on the conviction of Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and others.

Referring to it, you ask a number of questions including: "Have you thought about our economy and all those workers whose businesses are closed and who have been fired?", "What do you say to all those who have known mourning, who have experienced the worst atrocities? " The only merit of these questions is that you ask relevant questions, unfortunately late and especially obviously mistaken recipient. I am a victim, like many Cameroonians, of this civil war and I know what I am talking about. It is known to all, except for potentially irrational minds, that the real blame-bearer of this crisis is your "creator" Mr. Paul Biya. And it is to him alone that you should have addressed yourself. Not to anyone else. It is a fact that if he had come down from his pedestal and anticipated this crisis, we would not be there. The appalling record so far known to all is part of its catastrophic management at the head of the state. To manage is to foresee and the inclusive dialogue so much demanded by the SDF, other political parties as well as the civil society and the clergy, should have been organized as soon as the crisis started. The misfortune of our country is precisely the lack of leadership at the top of the state. Absolute power, nothing but absolute and undivided power, such is the motto of this regime.

As if that were not enough, you seem to satisfy yourself in your laborious intervention of the military justice decision by proclaiming that "justice in my humble opinion has done its job". You obviously talk about "your" justice. The one who is devoted to you. Not the justice of the Republic of Cameroon. Yes, "your" justice did "your" job on the basis of a roadmap contained in your hidden agenda relative to this Anglophone crisis. That of taking part of your hidden agenda, which consists, among other things, of perpetuating at all costs and at all costs the discrimination of our English-speaking compatriots. If not, how do you explain the composition of the panel of judges and the presence of English / French interpreters in a court in a bilingual country? How can you understand that after three years of war, you stubbornly refuse to create the conditions for a normal return to school next September. How to explain that after 20 months of presence at the bar, it was suddenly necessary to rush this process to a few days of the school year that everyone qualifies as being of all the dangers?

Yes, I persist and sign that it was a sham justice. Yes, it was a big joke. Should I remind you of certain provisions contained in the Principles and Guidelines of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, including those which state in its paragraph that "the sole purpose of military courts is to deal with offenses of a purely military "and in its point Lc that" military courts can not, under any circumstances, try civilians "? Yes, it was a sham justice, a big joke. When on the form, a lawsuit does not respect the canons or established principles of the legality and the legality, all the rest is false, distorted and null. Have you respected these supra-national provisions which clearly outweigh the national laws by virtue of the sacrosanct principle of the hierarchy of legal norms? Cameroon, which ratified the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on June 20, 1989, had the obligation to incorporate these Principles and Guidelines into its national laws under Article 45 (c) of the said Charter. You have refused to do so since November 2017, one year after the outbreak of this crisis, to satisfy your hidden agenda.

Just remember one thing and pass it on to the one who should have been the real recipient of your pamphlet: you do not extinguish the fire with fire when, in addition, you are the chief arsonist.

Paul Biya will focus on his conscience the catastrophic record of this crisis in the two regions of north-west and south-west and collective memory will hold him as the main cause of this humanitarian, social and economic disaster in the history of our dear country .
Finally, it is obvious that your regime at the end of the reign is totally overwhelmed by this serious crisis that he himself created. This is the reason why I reiterate in the final resolution of this crisis that has lasted too long, the offer of our good offices without compensation, many times proposed to your high hierarchy and remained a dead letter. Rather than being disappointed by Republican positions, it would of course be time to sadden the fate of our surviving compatriots in both English-speaking regions. Since 48h, Bamenda is empty. Buea is empty. Virtually all localities in these two regions are empty. People are rushing to join the cities of the French-speaking part. They have stormed the travel agencies to flee the 20 days of dead cities that promise to be tough after the verdict of "your" justice. Yet a simple dialogue could have avoided all this torture.

I condemn secession, condemn violence, condemn war, and condemn the lack of justice that fuels secession, violence and war.

To be strongly conveyed to the one who should have been the real recipient of your post.

Hon. Joshua N. OSIH

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