National dialogue: violent reaction of Mamadou Mota

Sentenced to two years in the riots case in the civil prison of Yaoundé, the first vice-president of the MRC did not pray before reacting to the speech delivered by the President of the Republic Paul Biya.

In a tribune titled "We are not sheep", the leader of the militants and sympathizers of the party of the Prof. Maurice Kamto in the northern part of the country qualifies the message of the "old Lion" "of smoking of the people by a president completely but then cynically disconnected from the realities of his country and his people ".

Mamadou Mota believes that through this message, Paul Biya showed the world that he "manipulates justice".

Below, the full reaction of Mamadou Mota

Yesterday's speech is nothing more than the smoking of the people by a president who is completely but cynically disconnected from the realities of his country and his people.

Paul Biya showed the people of the world yesterday that he is sleeping, the one who manipulates justice. "I have instructed the justice of the release of 209 people"

He showed that he has no desire to dialogue: but then who to talk to?However he still sends the PM to eat the hearty meal at Fru NDI. So who will Dion talk to?

Biya wants to imprison all the diaspora.He can not threaten and ask them to come and talk.

Paul biya threatened yesterday he did not throw the first fruits of a sincere dialogue.

He recalled his efforts but, honestly, what efforts have yielded what results? I was expecting a quantified report from the Musongue Commission, a verifiable number of English-speaking magistrates working in our various courts. The number of schools open in the NoSo.

Paul Biya should know that the blood has flowed enough and for a sincere dialogue, there is no constitutional taboo, all topics must be on the table.

Young people die in the NoSo, if nothing is done in 3 years we will have more young people in Cameroon because the Republican army is making mistakes.

By recalling the regional balance, Paul Biya exposes the very tribal aspect of his mode of government. The regional balance is a shame and insult the intelligence of the Cameroonian people.

Paul Biya I call for your resignation, that of your government and all those elitist structures that kill Cameroon.


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