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Cameroon: Property damage estimated at some 30 billion FCFA after the Fermencam fire, a factory producing whiskey and wine in Douala.
YAOUNDE - 03-Jan-2018 - 13h23 -   139   0

The Governor of the Littoral Region, economic operators and many other personalities went to the scene of the disaster, which also threatens the employment of nearly 850 employees.

The new year 2018 began in pain for the employees and the owner of the fermentation company of Cameroon (Fermencam) that makes in the distillery and liquoristry. The plant of this company located in Minkwele-Bonaberie, a district of Douala 4 th district , was reduced to ashes by a violent fire.

The fire broke out around noon on Monday 1 st January 2018. The fires remained active for several hours, reflecting the difficulties that had firemen to master the flames. This impressive fire mobilized teams from the National Fire Brigade and fire soldiers from ASECNA and the Autonomous Port of Douala.

The store of raw materials, the storage of ready-to-eat products and the factory itself have suffered the fury of the flames.

"The balance sheet is very heavy. Property damage is estimated at nearly CFAF 17 billion in consumed stock, close to CFAF 12 billion in lost material burned and about CFAF 2 billion in vehicle logistics and many others, "a source added. at Fermencam.

On ruins and ashes that remain of this business, employees are traumatized by the fear of losing their jobs. "I'm worried because this company employs nearly 850 people. So our first concern is the preservation of our jobs. We are in the middle of the school year, we have parents who have not yet finished schooling their children. We hope the parton will do its best to keep our jobs back, "worries a staff representative.

Yesterday, January 2, 2018, the governor of the Littoral Region, economic operators and many other personalities went to the scene of the disaster to comfort the employees and officials of Fermencam.

Source : Cameroon-Info
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