Convey a positive image of Cameroon in your different countries of accreditations, by your innovative communication strategies! Minister of External Relations, Lejeune Mbella Mbella to Cameroonian diplomatic missions

A deficit which, according to the Minrex, has largely contributed to build a negative image of Cameroon with its international partners

Since the advent of the Anglophone crisis in 2016, the international community has "eyes" focused on Cameroon. The government's handling of this major crisis has inspired many alarming reports by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch on the human rights situation in Cameroon. On which, at times, nations such as the United States have relied to condemn Paul Biya's regime. The image of Cameroon "haven of peace" has been seriously tarnished.

Mbella Mbella, Minister of External Relations (MINREX), is convinced that this is largely due to the fact that Cameroonian diplomatic representations have somewhat failed in some of their missions. "I was given the opportunity to notice a lack of communication from certain external services, for sufficient information of the international community and our compatriots abroad, on the national dialogue instructed by the Head of State. Diplomatic missions do not seem to take the full measure of the situation in our country and play the role expected of it. He said in a circular letter dated 13 September 2019, intended for diplomatic missions.

A situation that, according to Minrex, "did not allow our foreign partners to understand the true roots of the socio-political crisis in the two regions of the North-West and South-West, to appreciate the efforts of the Government to solve it. , to relay the appalling terrorist acts on the ground, against the populations, the public goods and the defense and security forces ". What contributes, according to him, still today, that "some of our compatriots and partners continue to forge a negative image of Cameroon and its leaders. This state of affairs is a blow to the image and reputation of our country on the international scene .. With incalculable consequences on the economic and tourist attractiveness of our country... "

That is why, the young Mbella Mbella first wanted to recall in this document, one of the fundamental missions of the diplomatic representations "The diplomatic Missions, it should be remembered, have in their missions the information just of the accrediting authorities and the international community. Moreover, they must defend in any situation Cameroon and its leaders, and bring on the international scene the message of the Government. Before inviting them (diplomatic missions) to show from now on ingenuity and proactivity in their communication "also I invite you to more commitment and correction in the defense of the interests of Cameroon in your countries of accreditation. With proactivity and more than in the past, you will have to commit yourself to implement innovative communication strategies, not only to counteract the actions of poisoning opponents, but especially to bring the right and true word.

With regard to this imperative necessity, the Minrex then specifies that "outside the communication actions desired by the diplomatic formalism, you must target the different sections of the public opinion of your host countries (parliamentarians, bars "pressure groups, human rights associations, the press, Cameroonian associations ..."

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